Saturday, 27 January 2018


Dear Praying Friends, 
Thanks for all your love and support for so many years.  And greetings from Asia, once again.  Since our last letter, Ruth and I did a lot of traveling.  From Singapore we came to the USA for eight weeks.  During that time we visited some family, presented our missionary reports to several congregations in Pennsylvania, and checked in with our mission’s home office in Rochester, NY.

We’ve experienced such kindness and warm hospitality from our friends and supporters for so many years now.  But it never ceases to amaze, and to cause us to express our gratitude to our Father in heaven, Who sends the Holy Spirit to pour the love of God into the hearts of His own.

Before mid-December, we flew out again, to start another planned 14 weeks overseas trip. So we’ve been here in Singapore for the past five weeks already.  As always, we are hoping in the Lord that we’d be able to keep up the pace we’ve set for ourselves in Asia, for the Lord’s sake, and for His Gospel’s sake.

Lately, I’ve started delivering a series of Sunday sermons related to the theme, “We Are His People”.  Specifically, thus far, “We are His Possession” (John 10.27-29), “We are His Body” (Colossians 1.18), “We are His Slaves” (Romans 6.16-19), and, this coming Sunday, with our Lord’s help, “We are His Friends” (John 15.12-15).  So far, and looking ahead as well, I am feeling thrilled at all the excellent, edifying, Biblical and Gospel doctrines which are woven into the passages highlighting our relationship to God our Savior.

Please Pray:
•    That Ruth and I would be able to stay healthy.
•    For our time in Singapore, as well as in India (which is to cover most of February) to be packed full of excellent Gospel opportunities.  Last time in India—July/August—I was completely drained by all that the Lord allowed us to do there.  Dare I hope for the same this time?  Yes, let me be ground to powder once again.  Plenty of time to recover in the resurrection.

Chit-chat:       The Lord keeps blessing us with grandbabies.  This time it’s another girl, Anna Hope Heffernan.            Ruth and I had some occasional physical challenges during this quarter, but seem to have come through ok, by our Lord’s kindness and grace.  At the very end of December, I had about ten days or so in which it was supposed I might have something seriously wrong with my bowels.  Thankfully, a surgeon here in Singapore was able to clear me of anything cancerous or otherwise.                We started living in our suitcases, exclusively, more than a year ago, and are finding it tolerable.  I’m glad the Lord gave me such a no-nonsense wife.  Admittedly, long air travel is tougher on us than it used to be.  But, God is love, and, as always, He helps us spring back to life soon enough.                As of January 3rd, Ruth and I have now entered into our thirtieth year of overseas missionary work.  And late next month we’d mark 32 years since joining IGM.  The Lord has been very merciful to us to keep us going. 

Blessings to you all,
Stephen and Ruth Schaefer
John 14.23

 “Serving with the International Gospel Missions” 
990 Calkins Road,  Rochester, NY  14623      Phone:  585-334-9048