Baptist Missionaries
Grenada, Singapore,
We are Independent Baptist missionaries. Our sending church is First Baptist Church of
Westwood Lake located in Miami, Florida. Our mission agency is International Gospel
Missions located in Rochester, New York. We lived and worked in
Grenada from January 1989 to 1999.
Now what have we done? Grenada is a beautiful island. But this island is also a haven of godlessness. The people
claim to be Christian in word only but not in deed. The majority of the people are
Roman Catholic or Anglican (Church of England). The average person who is asked the
question, "How do you get to Heaven," will answer "By good works." Yet, the Word of
God plainly tells us that all our works are like filthy rags in His sight. We can NEVER
be saved (get to Heaven) by our good works, because our good works can not take away
our sin.

We helped start a church, Friendship Independent Baptist, to be a place where people will hear what God says about sin and salvation. We stand on the Word of God and not on man's traditions. Yes, we invited people to come to our church, but we realize that God never commanded the unsaved to attend church. So we went out and gave the message of salvation to people through door to door witnessing (soulwinning), a weekly market square preaching service, open-air preaching in different villages and also through children's meetings.
We started a King's Kids Club at the church. We had roughly 25 children who attended. We had a time of team competition with different types of races. Then a group devotional time. We ended with an achievement time where the children divide into small groups to say their memory work. The emphasis in the curriculum is placed upon Bible memory within the context of doctrine and character building. The King's Kids Program is a ministry of the Bay View Baptist Church in Washington, Illinois.
Some Facts about the Caribbean
Limited financial resources cripple church development and outreach. There are simply not the personnel with the training to cope with the serious moral slide and breakdown in family life. In some islands 85% of children are born out of wedlock. Here in Grenada, 75% are said to be so born.
- PRAY for revival in the Caribbean.
- PRAY that a strong, clear presentation of the Truth may influence future leadership of churches and nations in the Caribbean.
- PRAY for those pastors and leaders in the churches who are faithfully serving the Lord in the face of discouragement.
- PRAY that committed Christians may be placed in leadership roles in their nations.
Singapore, Southeast Asia

Singapore has some freedom of religion. At least, religion is seen as a safeguard of moral standards. 54% of the population are Buddhist, Taoist or Confucianism. Another 17% are Muslim and 3% are Hindu. The Christian faith equals 11%, only 4% of which are Protestants.
Over the past 20 years, some of the better educated have been coming to Christ. Most congregations are filled with young people who are predominantly first generation Christians. Building sites are very expensive, somewhat hindering the growth of the church.
Our vision does not just stop with the church in Singapore. Using Singapore as our homebase and Emmanuel Baptist Fellowship Church as our home church, we reached out to neighboring countries. The family has been to Malaysia to help the Jesus Saves Ministry. Stephen has also taken a trip in Myanmar, formerly known as Burma. But we have been very burdened for the country and people of India. In July 2004 we shifted our homebase to India.
According to the 2001 India Census,80.5% of its population of 1 billion is Hindu
13.4% of the population is Muslim
2.3% Christians
Sikhs (1.9%), Buddhists (0.8%) and Jains (0.4%)
India is officially a secular state, where all religions have freedom of worship. However, Sikhs, Muslims and Christians have faced discrimination at different times since independence.

But, the Gospel is being preached and people are getting saved.
- PRAY that the minds of believers would be renewed, so that unbiblical thinking that has persisted in the traditional Christian community would cease.
- PRAY that the believers would become involved in cross-cultural evangelism and for a harvest among the largely unreached Muslims.
- Many beggers are in the cities. PRAY for them to come to Christ and to find work.
Our burden is to train young men to be pastors, evangelists and good Bible teachers.