Thursday, 25 February 2016

30 years

25th February:
Today makes thirty years since the day Independent Gospel Missions, of New Castle, PA, accepted us as missionary appointees to Grenada, West Indies. A lot has happened since then. Our overseas service has taken us from Grenada, through Singapore, and, for the past twelve years, to India. All our six children grew up and, one by one, left us to university in the USA, so that Ruth and I have been “empty-nesters” for the past year and a half. We've been grandparents for the past 8+ years. And Among the many changes through the years, even our mission agency has been removed to Rochester, NY, and its name has been altered to International Gospel Missions.

IGM was founded in 1968 under the leadership of Dr. David L. Bovard who was one of those who had, way back in in the late '70s encouraged us to consider overseas missionary service. Through the years, the mission's main focus has been to help and to serve various local pastors in many countries of the world. Ruth and I are very grateful to our Lord for the blessing IGM has been to us, too, and with the Lord's help, hope to continue with the mission for as many years as we are able.

To the Regions Beyond. . .”