Thursday, 25 February 2016

30 years

25th February:
Today makes thirty years since the day Independent Gospel Missions, of New Castle, PA, accepted us as missionary appointees to Grenada, West Indies. A lot has happened since then. Our overseas service has taken us from Grenada, through Singapore, and, for the past twelve years, to India. All our six children grew up and, one by one, left us to university in the USA, so that Ruth and I have been “empty-nesters” for the past year and a half. We've been grandparents for the past 8+ years. And Among the many changes through the years, even our mission agency has been removed to Rochester, NY, and its name has been altered to International Gospel Missions.

IGM was founded in 1968 under the leadership of Dr. David L. Bovard who was one of those who had, way back in in the late '70s encouraged us to consider overseas missionary service. Through the years, the mission's main focus has been to help and to serve various local pastors in many countries of the world. Ruth and I are very grateful to our Lord for the blessing IGM has been to us, too, and with the Lord's help, hope to continue with the mission for as many years as we are able.

To the Regions Beyond. . .”

Tuesday, 9 February 2016


                                                January 28, 2016
Dear Praying Friends,

Ruth and I are very grateful for your prayers to our Father, as the last three months or so have been packed tight with travel and Gospel ministry opportunities.

First, October went quite well as I continued to conduct my usual seminars for pastors in the rural parts of Telangana State.    Additionally, Ruth went with me to Pune to teach the students in the School of Missions for five days.  Around Hyderabad, I spoke twice in a regular young peoples' meeting, on “How we know the Bible is Word of God” and “What It Means For Man To Be Made in God's Image”.

We traveled to Togo, West Africa, for a couple of weeks in November, where I was allowed to teach pastors in the capitol, Lome, for 13 hrs in three days.  Then, for 28 hours over five days, I taught “Christology” to another group of young men who are already pastors, or else training to become pastors.

Ruth and I spent most of December in Singapore.  But almost immediately upon arriving in Singapore, we flew to Cebu, Philippines, to teach about 20 students in the Bible school there.  I taught “The 16th-Century Reformation”.  Ruth spoke to the female students on the topic “Remember Lot's Wife”.

For the final quarter of 2015, I was privileged to speak in 7 Christian assemblies 18 times, in 3 countries.

Please Pray:
  • For our health and safety.
  • That the Lord would enable us to fill up the calendar with good Gospel ministry opportunities.
  • That Ruth and I would be a huge blessing to our friends in Pune about three weeks from now, as we plan to teach in the School of Missions there.
  • For all the arrangements which we must make regarding travels for the first six months of 2016, including a visit to the USA starting in the month of March.
  • For us to glorify our Lord Jesus in all things.

Chit-chat:                   In December, we had over a dozen appointments with doctors, clinics, and hospitals, in Singapore, including two trips to operating rooms for Ruth.  By our Lord's grace and kindness, we both seem to be doing ok now.  Thank Him!                                         It appears the ministry opportunities I'd have in India this year would be closer to Hyderabad than has been the case in the past two years.  I was very glad to teach pastors so many times in every corner of our state.  But friends of ours around the city seem to be eager to put us to work beside them at present, for the Lord's sake.  Ruth is helping more in a local Christian school, and I'm giving training and doing other local ministry wherever possible.                           As I review the past few months, I can see why I was feeling so tired!  There is a lot on our plate, already, for 2016, but I'm thankful to our Lord Jesus that He's given us a lot of our strength back.                    Our daughter, Elizabeth Heffernan, is expecting to deliver a baby in late March.  Just prior to that, it seems Ruth is being required to show up in Miami for jury duty, of all things.  Lord willing, everything will go well, including visits to some of you, our dear friends and supporters.

 “Serving with the International Gospel Missions”