10th, 2014
Dear Praying Friends,
Blessings to you all and thanks for your
love and kind support. Since returning
to India, I've been privileged to speak in some
Sunday assemblies on topics including “The Sanctifying Work of the
Spirit” (Ro 8.14); “The Holiness of God”
(Is 6.1-9); “True Greatness” (Life of
Moses); “Family Devotional Time” (De 6.5-9); and “We Are The Lord's Temple” (II
Chr ch 2-7).
Then, in four special sessions, I spoke on
the Holy Spirit (“The Spirit of Prophecy—Rev 19.10”; “Our Anointing By The Spirit—II
Cor 1.21-22”; “Our Work As Prophets, Priests and Kings, In The Power of The
Spirit—John 20.21-22”; and “Being Led By The Spirit—Ro 8.14”).
I was privileged to teach seminars in
one-day pastors’ meetings, on “Christ Our Prophet, Priest and King; and Some
Pastoral Theology topics” six times;
“What Is The Gospel And How To Preach It” four times; “The Life of Christ” five times; “The Work of
the Holy Spirit, His Gifts, The Cessation of the Revelatory and Miraculous
Gifts and the Gross Errors of the Charismatics” twice; and “The Inspiration and
Inerrancy of Scripture”, once.
Additionally, during the last two weeks of October, I was asked to teach
all of these topics and more to two batches of pastors in two States for five
days each time.
Ruth was also active in teaching children's
ministry sessions, ladies' meetings and seminars for Bible Institute students
during the past 12 weeks.
- For Ruth and me to continue to have health and strength, and that we would glorify the Lord Jesus Christ in His Gospel ministry.
- That He would fill us with all the fruits of righteousness by His Spirit as we proceed with teaching the Gospel in Pune, India, next week, in Cebu, Philippines, during Nov 24-28, in Singapore for most of Dec., and in Sydney, Australia, 10 days in late Dec. and early Jan.
- For our safe travels during all those weeks, and our return to the ministry schedule here in India on January 8th.
- That our Lord would mercifully keep Mary and Andrew and their boys safe and secure (including from Ebola) as they are now serving in the Gospel in Togo, West Africa.
- For Stephanie, as she nears the end of her first semester studying in Bob Jones University. And for her foot, as she's been suffering from tendinitis for almost two months now.
Chit-chat: At mid-September, Ruth suddenly needed to have gall-bladder removal
surgery here in India. The Lord blessed
her with good doctors and a speedy recovery.
Now, two months later, it seems to her like a distant memory. The cooler weather finally
arrived. The Lord has preserved us through lots of
extra travels on these Indian highways—even the vehicles are holding up! In the next eight weeks most of our distance
would be measured in air-miles.
Did I ever tell you? “I love my job of
describing our Lord Jesus to the people!”
Stephen & Ruth Schaefer
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