Tuesday, 2 April 2019


The Schaefers in Asia   

                                                                        April 1, 2019

Much love and affection to you all, in the Lord Jesus’ Name. 

Ruth and I started this new year in Singapore, and were able to remain there for most of this quarter.  Once again, we have devoted the time to trying to encourage and help Emmanuel Baptist.  In Emmanuel, Ruth and I both directed some discipleship sessions, and I was privileged to preach several times.  The theme chosen for 2019 was “What shall I render to the LORD for all His benefits toward me?”  In keeping with that, I preached on “Forgiveness”, “Assurance and Security”, “Deliverance”, “Grace” and “Life”, attempting to expound God’s benefits to us in His great plan of salvation, and what each one of these means for our daily lives, Biblically.  Lastly, I spoke on “The Cross” as central to our salvation, of course, but also as the foundation for our philosophy of daily living. We are hopeful in the Lord that the dear folk could have been edified and helped in their holy faith in our Lord Jesus through these and other things we did among them, only by the grace of the Spirit.

Our time in Asia would now seem to have been completed.  (Twenty years.)  Ruth and I repatriated to the USA last week, and this might well be “for the last time” as we are on track to conclude our 33+ years with our mission board, IGM, on this coming June 30th.  This year we are both clicking over to 60 years.  But, really, it’s not the years;  it’s the mileage.  Ruth has been in operating rooms four times in the last five years.  We are no longer the children we were when many of you started supporting us, in 1986-87!  It seems it is time for us to redirect our efforts, and to plan to be pretty much “Stateside” from now on, especially for the sake of family members.  (Ruth’s dear parents are in their mid-eighties now.)  We are grateful that we’ve been able to devote our most productive years to the Lord’s work overseas, and hope He’s found them acceptable and has been glorified.

This would be our final newsletter, but it does not necessarily mean that you would not meet us again.  Over the next few years, Ruth and I hope that we might be able to arrange to pay each of you a visit sometime.  Only instead of zooming into your area, touching base, and then blasting off again so very quickly that our visit seems like a blur, we would like to do something better.  We’d like to set up a suitable time to come to you, and to spend more than just a day or a few days—even a couple of weeks—at no expense to yourselves—so that we might give you the spiritual gift of encouragement in your walk with our Lord, and of gracious Gospel words, as well as to express to you how much you and your faithful support have meant to us over the decades.

Therefore, if you all would be so kind as to consider supporting us as usual, up until but not after June 30th, 2019, we would be most appreciative.  And when you have discontinued supporting us, it would bring no small joy were we to find out that you’d selected some young missionary family just starting out (as we were 32-33 years ago), and had committed yourselves to their regular support as they go overseas for the sake of the Gospel.  And may these do a thousand times better and more effective Gospel ministry than we have ever accomplished!

Blessings on you all, through our Lord Jesus at His Father’s Right Hand,

Please Pray:
  • That Ruth and I would continue to enjoy at least the measure of health and strength we have at present, and to glorify the Lord Jesus in all things, for as long as we walk on God’s footstool.
  • For us to have wisdom in planning out all our movements in the coming season of our life together.
  • That we would always and only be a blessing towards other people, especially toward family members who are mainly on our minds these days.


International Gospel Missions
990 Calkins Road, Rochester NY  14623
Phone: 585-334-9048

Wednesday, 2 January 2019


January 3, 2019

     Blessings on you forever, from our Father in Heaven and from His Eternal and Beloved Son at His Right Hand!  Ruth and I spent the first month of this past quarter mostly in Miami, FL, looking in on Ruth’s dear parents, as well as taking care of a few small things, before flying back to Singapore at the end of October.  Thanks so much for your love and support and prayers to God for us for so many years. The Lord allowed Ruth and me to move our family overseas to start missionary service for the first time precisely thirty years ago today, January 3, 1989.  And late next month would mark 33 years since we actually joined IGM.  So much has happened in all that time—so many Gospel opportunities have opened up to us—for which kindness of our Lord I am increasingly grateful.
Back in Singapore by November 1st, Ruth and I were able to resume the work we are trying to do to assist and encourage Emmanuel Baptist.  I was happy to be able to finish off the series of 25 messages to them during 2018 on the theme “We Are His People”.  Those last titles in the series were “We Are His Holy Nation”, “We Are His Husbandry”, “We Are His Chosen Ones”, “We Are His Image-Bearers”, “We Are His True Worshipers”, and “We Are His Beloved”.

Early in November the congregation shared a happy morning together comparing the results of our individual studies in the Book of Deuteronomy.  This was a nice follow-up to our full-day conference on Deuteronomy back in August.

Ruth and I were able to visit India, briefly, in November, and it was very pleasing to have one more (perhaps final) time to have face-to-face fellowship with some of those friends and comrades in the Gospel of our Lord Jesus.  Though we possibly may not return to India again during this lifetime, I do hope we’ll be in touch, as some here in Asia are asking us to continue to give them some helps via the internet even after we’ve concluded our formal overseas missionary service.  During that short time in India, Ruth and I were able to give encouragements in the ministry to several who are doing a weekly children’s outreach, and to bless our other friends and be blessed with them in Christly fellowship.

Through your prayers, Ruth and I were able, two weeks ago, to fulfil the church camp ministry we’d been looking forward to for over a year.  She and I spoke to our respective segments of the congregation on Jesus our Redeemer, “Anointed” Prophet, Priest and King, and I was able to expand on that among the older ones to explain that we “little christs” must serve in the power of the same Holy Spirit, striving to do the works of prophets, priests and kings in the Lord Jesus’ Name and in union with Him.

Please Pray:
·         To our Father in Heaven that Ruth and I would be able to conclude a very fruitful first quarter.  Most all our efforts would be focused on helping in Emmanuel Baptist, here in Singapore. 
·         For us to be healthy and safe.  By God’s grace, we’d complete our sixtieth years this year.  Nothing major seems to be of concern at the moment, thank the Lord.  But the word “deterioration” often comes to mind.  God is love.  Please especially pray for Ruth’s dear parents’ health and strength.
·         That our Lord and Father would give us the wisdom we need as we plan for the future. 

As one Haitian pastor once wrote in a newsletter, “I love my job of describing Jesus to the people!”  In this new year, 2019, my theme shall be “What shall I render to the LORD for all His benefits to me?” (Psalm 116.12)                           Elizabeth is expecting our twelfth grandchild later this year.  The Lord is so very kind to give us more people to love for Jesus’ sake.               From June, 1986, when the very first congregation committed to begin supporting us as overseas missionaries, until now, our Father in Heaven has been using you all to keep us going—thank you once more for all your prayers on our behalf, and all your love to us for so very long.                Think about Jesus continually, because when you do you’ll be good, and you’ll always know everything is going to be ok forever.

Stephen and Ruth Schaefer
John 14.23

International Gospel Missions
990 Calkins Road, Rochester NY  14623
Phone: 585-334-904