Wednesday, 11 July 2018


Dear Praying Friends,

Once again, thank you for interceding for us with our Father and for supporting us as overseas missionaries all these years.  We’re back in Singapore now, and hope in the Lord to fill most of the rest of 2018 with Gospel ministry here, including time in India as well.

The weeks in the USA gave us a good opportunity to visit family, especially Ruth’s parents.  We were also able to visit some supporters, though not as many as we had hoped.  Thank you all for your patience with us.  Ruth and I needed a time to refresh ourselves in mind and body. 

Since returning to Singapore in May, it has been our privilege to join in the ministry of Emmanuel Baptist once more.  They’ve allowed me to continue the series of messages for them on “We Are His People”, as well as to co-labor with them in the Gospel in other areas.  Ruth participated in a VBS.  I’ve taught some of the youths on several days.

Another assembly had me as camp speaker.  I spoke six times on The Works of Christ and The Works of Christians.  He saves us by doing the works of Prophet, Priest and King empowered by the Holy Spirit, so that, saving and anointing us with the same Spirit, we may follow Him and do Him service as prophets, priests and kings.  I don’t know of a more comprehensive way to understand Jesus, salvation, and the Christian life than PPK.  I’ve been talking about these things every chance I get for about twenty-five years and know I’ll continue doing so forever.

Please Pray:
·         That Ruth and I would be ready for every good work (ppk) at all times.
·         That God’s Spirit should be so pleased for us to be His co-workers (ppk), that we could make a real Gospel (PPK) dent in the thinking of the people we meet every day.
·         That we would seek the Lord (PPK) and His grace.
·         That our Father in Heaven would keep us safe in all our travels with Jesus (PPK/ppk).

Chit-chat:       We enjoyed the delights of seeing Ruth’s parents as well as our grandkids, during the time in the States.  In eleven years, the Lord blessed us with eleven grands.  Since my own beloved parents went to heaven in the past few years, Ruth and I hope to increasingly provide help and comfort to her parents in as many ways as we can.  We are beginning to plan the next year or two with that in mind.             As this is our thirtieth year as overseas missionaries, by now you might expect me to be able to say that I love to preach the Word of God.  And I really do, no doubt.  But teaching batches of pastors in remote rural places and conducting one-on-one Bible and theology sessions with young men who could possibly be doing the ministry long after we’ve turned to dust are also at the top of my list.  And if any of my buddies can be coaxed into the occasional 24-hours fasting and prayer session as well, all the better!  Our Lord Jesus has shown us to the way, in everything.