19, 2017
Dear Praying Friends,
Thanks so much for your love and support,
for Jesus’ sake. In the past quarter,
Ruth and I were able to return to Asia on July 4th, with nearly full
strength for Gospel ministry. Praise
Through your prayers to our Father, we had
4 very productive weeks of Gospel ministry in India. These included my preaching every Sunday,
teaching Matthew ch 5 and II Timothy in a Bible Institute, speaking in a
day-long conference on the doctrine of salvation, and traveling to ten remote
rural areas to teach ten groups of pastors various half-day seminars on the
topics which we believe to be the most important and helpful to them, always
hoping to exalt our Lord Jesus and His greatness to people.
Ruth was very busy helping in the Christian
school she’s been involved with the past couple of years.
Thankfully, the several days we had in the
school in Philippines, were also very good. There I taught the Book of Psalms
and spoke in four daily chapels. Ruth conducted
English sessions each day as well.
For most of the three months our focus was
on Singapore. Besides preaching each
Sunday, I was able to conduct a number of training sessions for congregational
leaders (on sermon preparation and on worship leading), and otherwise pursue
people with the Gospel.
Overall, I feel very grateful that things
are getting back to normal for Ruth and me after the very unusual first half of
2017 we had. Thanks for continuing to
pray for us. We’re hoping to have good
health and strength and eager to plan for 8-9 months overseas in 2018, with our
Lord Jesus’ help and blessing.
· For our travels here in the USA, as we’ve just returned from Asia, and
have arranged to visit several supporters to make missionary reports.
· Concerning our next planned overseas trip (India and Singapore), which is
to start on December 9th.
Chit-chat: In Singapore, India and Philippines, it was a real thrill for us to
enter into many dozens of personal, one-on-one, times of teaching and Christly
fellowship. For several weeks in Aug-Sept, during the
weeks we had a good bit of our air travels, Ruth needed to see another ENT who
put her through examinations and tests.
It was a real stress-reliever to hear him say at the end of all that,
that she seemed to be fine. Our
daughter Elizabeth new baby’s due date has been moved up to mid-November. May the Lord Jesus bless, protect and
preserve her and the newborn. Mary,
our second daughter, and her family completed 4¼ years since first departing
the USA for missionary service. They
came back from Togo, West Africa, for their first regular furlough, just last

Hurricane Irma
threatened the homes of quite a number of our family members in South Florida,
but, at the last moment, it seemed to divert far enough to the west that they
really got little more than a minor power outage and a few trees blown over,
harmlessly. May the Lord be very
merciful to the families who suffered much more than that.
to you all,
Stephen and Ruth Schaefer
“Serving with the International Gospel
Missions” 990 Calkins Road, Rochester, NY
14623 Phone: 585-334-9048