Saturday, 23 July 2016




                                                July 20, 2016
Dear Praying Friends,

Thank you so much for all your support in prayer to our Father.  So far, 2016 has been just about as busy as ever for us, by the kindness of our Lord.  Thanks for being patient with us, too, as it has been a few extra months since our last newsletter.

This year, it has been our great privilege to teach students preparing for Gospel ministry to the slums of India, at Pune, where I gave introductions to the subjects of The Book of Psalms, The Holy Spirit, and The Doctrine of Salvation.

I spoke in Sunday assemblies on The Love of God (I Jn 4.7-14), The Burnt Offering (Lev 1), Day of Atonement (Lev 16), For Me To Live Is Christ (Phil 1.21), The Glory of our Lord (Jn 1.14), Christian Fellowship (Ro 15.7), The Image of God (Ge 1.26-28) and Jesus, Our Prophet, Priest and King (I Ti 2.5).

Several disciples of our Lord Jesus came to our home so I could teach them regarding Bibliology, “What is the Gospel and How are we to preach it?”, The Grammatical-Historical Principle/Interpretation of Figures of Speech, Interpreting prophecies like Hosea 11.1, ‘Biblical Criticism and Theology, from 1700 to the present”, The Departments of Theology, Dispensationalism, “Jesus our Prophet, Priest and King,” A Marriage Seminar, “The Biblical Means of Grace,” An Overview of Church History, and The Holy Spirit.  Also in our home, Ruth taught two seminars on “Conducting Children’s Gospel Ministries.”

In a gathering of believers who came together for two days’ seminars I taught five hours on The Doctrine of Salvation, and 2.5 hours on What Is The Gospel And How Are We To Preach It?

Spoke in two separate pastors’ fellowship meetings, for about two hours, each, on Lessons For Pastors Drawn From I Timothy, and on Jesus, our Prophet, Priest and King.

We traveled to Singapore at the invitation to a church’s annual family camp.  I spoke a total of eleven times in eight days.  The camp theme was Decision-Making.


Please Pray:
·         That our Lord Jesus would be glorified, and His Gospel clearly explained, every time we open our mouths in the many opportunities He’s given to us.
·         For Ruth and me to be sustained in health and strength, physically and, especially, spiritually.

Chit-chat:          We’re grateful for the opportunity to visit some of you, as well as a lot of our loved ones, in the USA, during part of March, April and May.                 During those weeks, we were able to visit 16 churches, and in seven of these we came to make our overseas missionary reports.                 Back here in India, Ruth continues to contribute time and effort in a local Christian school near to our home.  She’s increased her involvement from two days per week last academic year to three days per week since we got settled here again.                               As a result of the contacts I made during the last ten days of June, it now appears that my ministry calendar is going to be about as full as my body would allow during July through October.  Thank the Lord!!

“Serving with the International Gospel Missions” 

990 Calkins Road,  Rochester, NY  14623      Phone:  585-334-9048