Thursday, 22 January 2015

Jan 2015

After seven weeks of Gospel ministry in other countries, we returned to India on January 8th.  Somehow, we still didn’t feel tired, nor had we fallen sick.  Thank the Lord! 

Two days later, though, we had to travel four hours by car to Adilabad town, where we’d been invited by our friends (and former students) for five full days of ministry.

Stephen preached in six general meetings, mostly in the evenings, on three attributes of God, and a series in Matthew chapter 5 on the depth of our duty of obedience to our Lord and Savior.

Ruth spoke in two ladies’ meetings, and taught two separate children’s ministries over the five days as well.

Additionally, Stephen taught mostly men and youths in three sessions.

It is our wish and prayer that our Father in Heaven would so bless all of these efforts in His Son’s Gospel that He would be pleased and glorified by the resulting faith in Him and good works of obedience to the Lord Jesus.

Thanks so much for praying for us.

Tuesday, 20 January 2015


I know it would have been best to blog about these activities as we did them, but never really had the time till now.
On December 27, we flew to Sydney, Australia.  Stephen was invited to be the church camp speaker for Evangel Bible Church.
Our theme was the works of Christ and the works of a Christian.  With 1 Timothy 2:5 being the camp verse.  

"For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus."

I truly believe  that this camp was not only a great blessing to each of the members of Evangel, but it was a blessing to us as well.  The fellowship was so good, even intense. 

During the nine days, Stephen spoke 15 times, 12 of those being at the camp itself.  Ruth also got to lead one of the discussion groups and spoke twice.

After camp, some of the families took us to see the city of Sydney.  The Lord blessed us by allowing us to be a part of this ministry, and we feel thrilled about being invited to Australia for the first time.

Friday, 16 January 2015

Singapore 2014

After Cebu, Philippines, we were in Singapore.  While there Stephen preached for the assemblies of Bethany Evangelical Free Church, Jesus Saves Mission and Emmanuel Baptist Fellowship.

We joined Emmanuel for their church camp in Malaysia, where Ruth taught the children, and Stephen led one of the discussion groups.

On Christmas day Stephen preached for Emmanuel Baptist Fellowship, and in the afternoon for Grace Independent Baptist Church. GIBC presented a beautiful cantata before the preaching.

Ruth also was happily able to join the ladies at EBF for our annual ladies lunch.

On December 27 we flew to Sydney, Australia for another church camp. I'll write about it in the next post.

Friday, 9 January 2015

Cebu, Nov 2014

Our last post was our November prayer letter, the Lord has opened many door of opportunity to serve Him since that letter.  We have been in five different countries in the months of November, December and January.

In late November, we flew to Singapore, where Stephen preached on a Sat pm and Sunday am church service.  Then on Monday we flew over to Cebu, Philippines.  In Cebu we were able to be with our good friends of Jesus Saves Mission School.  Stephen taught that week on II Timothy, "Fit for the Master's Use".

Our next post, we'll tell you about our ministry in Singapore.