April 1, 2014
Dear Praying Friends,
By the Lord's grace, 2014 has been very
busy. In three months, Indian friends have taken me to teach batches
of mostly rural pastors fifteen times. These programs are usually
for half-day seminars, but the travel involved means an entire day,
or more, for each one. All the other things we've been involved in,
including the couple of dozen other times I've been privileged to
preach the Gospel of our Lord Jesus, have left us feeling a bit worn
out. Please pray for us for health and strength, and for the Holy
Spirit of God to make us clean vessels for Christ's service. Ruth
has been teaching in a couple of different children’s and youth
ministries this quarter. Another opportunity has recently opened for
her to introduce people to Christianity through English tuitions.
Please Pray:
- For us to recover from some fatigue and cold symptoms. The schedule has been wearying, and it seems April would be even more so. God is love. And we are here to be spent for Him.
- That the new Christian assembly in which Ruth and Stephanie and I have now become involved would grow in grace and grow in numbers. After about ten weeks, so far, two young men, at least, have proved themselves to be faithful disciples.
- For our monthly financial needs.
- For the Lord to keep us safe and healthy through the travels we have planned for May and June. We are into our 2nd ten-years visa for India, and thank the Lord for it. But we're required to get out of the country at least twice in a year. This next trip out of India is to include time in the USA, visiting some of you all, and a time for visiting our daughter Mary and her family in Togo, West Africa, as they are soon to begin their overseas missionary service there. I'm currently negotiating some opportunities for teaching batches of pastors in Africa during those couple of weeks in July.
- That the Lord would be pleased to use us for His glory at all times.
Chit-chat: The 100°F
temperatures which normally arrive here in April came a month sooner
than expected. We are melting like butter, sometimes! Occasionally
my teaching trips extend for more than one day on the road, and for
much longer distances. Thankfully, the vehicle has held up okay
though the roads are sometimes bad.
The seminar topic I spoke on in
pastors' meetings the most in the past quarter was—you guessed
it—Jesus our Savior and Redeemer, God's Anointed Prophet, Priest
and King. Additionally, I would teach the pastors about problems
every pastor must deal with Biblically—and how to focus on what we
are commanded to do in the Lord's assembly each Sunday, and what is
forbidden to be done. I Timothy furnishes the excellent basis for
much of the above!
Dear Ruth has been making the most our final
months having Stephanie with us here in India. We're very proud of
Stephanie, and we thank the Lord for her. Yet another grandchild, it
appears, would like to be born to us in the month of June. We feel