for all your prayers for us! We just came back from a five-days’ time of
Gospel ministry in the town of Adilabad.
first assembly we were invited to speak in, last Saturday and Sunday, is
pastored by one of our old students from Bharat Bible College, and our
acquaintance with him goes back to the year 2000. There, Ruth and
Stephanie conducted two children’s ministry sessions and one ladies’ meeting.
spoke three times, on “The Devil’s Methods, and How To Resist In The Power Of
Christ” (beginning from Eph 6), “The Transfiguration of Our Lord” (Lk 9), and
on “The Judgment To Come” (II Cor 5.9-10).
on Monday, we shifted across the town to another, more established, assembly
where we were very kindly asked to do many things for three days.
spoke to senior youths and upwards for two afternoons. On Monday it was
“What Is The Gospel?” and on Tuesday he covered some things in the Book of
Psalms, especially regarding the teachings in Psalm 51 (and 32 and 130) as well
as Psalm 8.
and Stephanie conducted ten hours’ worth of children’s meetings over the three
days. They especially gave lessons on people who needed “turning around”
such as Zacchaeus, Saul of Tarsus, The Woman At The Well, The Ethiopian Man,
and The Philippian Jailor—and how our Lord caused them by His grace to do just
Wednesday afternoon, Ruth conducted a ladies seminar on Titus 2.3-5, and
Stephen spoke to all the men on Having True Christian Fellowship By Fulfilling
The ‘One Another’ Commandments.
the three evening general sessions Stephen spoke on “That Book In Your Hand,
The Bible”, “Galatians 2.20: Salvation, Outside of Me, and Inside of Me”, and
Acts 17: Why You Must Become A Christian Right Away”.