On August 23, Ruth traveled 3 hours on a train and one hour by car to Godavarikhani, a coal mining city in
our state of Andhra Pradesh. She spent one day their teaching at a ladies meeting. The women came from around eight different churches in the district. She spoke for three hours (with some breaks) on the Beattitudes and some of the women of the Bible. Her interpreter was former student of ours from our first year here in India. We thank God again for all the opportunities he has opened up to us here in India to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
our state of Andhra Pradesh. She spent one day their teaching at a ladies meeting. The women came from around eight different churches in the district. She spoke for three hours (with some breaks) on the Beattitudes and some of the women of the Bible. Her interpreter was former student of ours from our first year here in India. We thank God again for all the opportunities he has opened up to us here in India to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.