Saturday, 24 August 2013

Women meeting

On August 23, Ruth traveled 3 hours on a train and one hour by car to Godavarikhani, a coal mining city in
our state of Andhra Pradesh.  She spent one day their teaching at a ladies meeting.  The women came from around eight different churches in the district.  She spoke for three hours (with some breaks) on the Beattitudes and some of the women of the Bible.  Her interpreter was former student of ours from our first year here in India.  We thank God again for all the opportunities he has opened up to us here in India to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Monday, 19 August 2013


Word and Deed is a Christian school on the outskirts of Hyderabad. Last month we were invited by the pastoral staff to conduct regular Gospel ministry among some of the students.  
Stephen is speaking twice each month to upperclassmen, and Ruth and Stephanie have a monthly program with about 80 girls in the 7th and 8th grades.  
The children that we especially are speaking to are either orphans or come from very poor homes, and have been living at this school since they were very young.

We thank God again for the many ministry opportunities He has given to us here in India.  more info about the school

Monday, 5 August 2013


This past weekend we traveled about 6 hours to another city, Adilabad. Pastor Wilson and his wife, Jubilee, both students of ours when we were at Bharat Bible College, invited us to come and hold some special meetings.  

It started Friday night with Stephen preaching his favorite series on "Christ, our Prophet, Priest and King".  That series was conducted each evening starting on Friday till Sunday.  Ruth also started a three day series for the children.  Her series was the "I Am's of Christ".

Saturday was a full day for both of us.  Ruth had a two part ladies meeting, that was held from 11am till 4pm.  Her series was on the Beattitudes.  At the same time, Stephen was at another location preaching to a men's group for 3 hours on the Life of Christ.   

On Sunday, after Stephen preached in the morning service, on "The Glory of Christ", we had a wonderful lunch, and then Ruth had another ladies meeting.  In the evening, we both concluded our series for the children and the adults.

We truly had a wonderful time with these people.  They were extremely attentive to the messages and overflowed with kindness to us.

On our way home, pastor Wilson and Jubilee joined us to go see two waterfalls. They were beautiful.