Stephen just came back from
two days of teaching the Word of God in another district. He drove this time, and says the National Highway is
looking good, though maybe not quite worth the amount they are charging for
The dear brother who invited
him ably interpreted his messages into Telugu.
About a hundred of the Lord’s people patiently listened. In the two days, there were a total of six
sessions, normally up to two hours apiece.
The six topics were:
Inspiration, Authority and Interpretation of Scripture
chapter 2, Justification By Faith, with a full explanation of the Tabernacle in
the Wilderness
True Christian
Fellowship, by means of fulfilling the “One Another” Commandments
Corinthians 1.17, Baptism and The Gospel
I Timothy
3.14-16, What Are Our Sunday Assemblies All About?
Amos 4.12b-13,
Prepare To Meet Thy God
Hopefully, the peoples’ lives
will be changed through listening to the Word of God in the Gospel. They are already inviting both of us to come
next time, later this year.